Monday, October 10, 2011

CAT/BPSS - Automatic ID/Boarding Pass Checker

Very soon the TSA will be using/testing a new technology (system) called, CAT/BPSS, which stands for Credential Authentication Technology/Boarding Pass Scanning System.

This technology is expected to help enhance security and increase efficiency by automatically and concurrently comparing a passenger's ID and boarding pass to a set of security features. It verifies that neither have been falsified and that the information on both match. The system also verifies the IDs of airline personnel and can screen a wide range of travel documents.

Just last month, The TSA has purchased 30 systems that will be deployed at select airports for further operational testing as early as next year. The airports included in the TSA Pre program (DFW, MIA, DTW, ATL) will be among some of the first recipients of the systems. The system works as follow:

1. Passengers will hand their ID to the TSA Travel Document Checker (TDC).
2. The TDC will scan it while the passenger scans their own boarding pass using a built in scanner that's part of the technology.

3. Once the scan is complete, the technology automatically and permanently deletes the information from the system.

If testing proves successful, TSA will deploy the technology to airports nationwide.

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